Books Feed

Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? Any big plans for the weekend? I think our crew is just going to plop ourselves on the couch and watch the NFL playoffs, while we see if the snowfall predictions are accurate. Nothing crazy, just the drama of elimination games without caring about who wins. Plus, maybe a little shoveling. Works for me. BDH and Little Buddha say the coffee is ready, so let's get started. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Friday Clutter. Good... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. We hope you had a good weekend. BDH and Little Buddha are trying to figure out both today's to-do list, as well as this week's schedule. I think we only have two errands to run, so I'll probably wait until the wind chill factor climbs up into positive numbers again before I took care of those. (It was -6 degrees when I got home last night. Not fun.) As far as the rest of the week goes, the guys say the current plan is for us to be here... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. We hope you had a good weekend. BDH and Little Buddha have been working hard on this week's to-do list. Thanksgiving brings its own chaos, and the guys really don't like the weather forecasts for tomorrow and Thursday. Freezing rain and holiday traffic feels like a bad combination, so the guys are trying to figure out how to minimize the stress. Today's errands are pretty straightforward, and it should be dry, so we'll start with that. First, let's check out the headlines. There's a fresh pot of coffee on... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Our crew is off to a decent enough start this morning. Monday was actually okay, and now BDH and Little Buddha are finalizing today's to-do list. I'm off to the local independent bookstore to check out the new releases for the guys once we're done here. That's one of our favorite parts of the week, although it sounds like I might have to fight my way through the wind to get there. Other than that, I think it's just a few random errands and a chance to enjoy the decent weather while we still can.... Read more →


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There was a mix-up somewhere here. This wasn't the book we were expecting to review. A quick glance at the description made it seem pretty clear that we weren't the target audience for this mystery novel. However, it's good to try new things and open yourself to different experiences every now and again, so we plunged into the story. Did it pay off? Let's discuss... The Author's Guide to Murder (out now) sees three women writers, who claim to be best friends, traveling to a retreat being held at an isolated Scotland Highlands castle. Within days of their arrival, the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Happy Halloween! BDH and Little Buddha didn't dress up this year, but they're still looking forward to celebrating tonight. First off, they love giving away candy to kids and seeing all of their costumes. Second, they won't object if it turns out yours truly bought too much, because they get to handle the left-overs (in moderate amounts each time.) Really, it's a win-win. The number of trick-or-treaters we get seems to fluctuate each year, but given the weather forecast, we should get a good amount of traffic. In the meantime, let's check out the headlines. The guys made... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? Our crew is doing pretty well at the moment. Apart from striking out at the bookstore, I crushed yesterday's to-do list, so that felt good. I was particularly pleased to be able to mow the lawn one more time, thanks to this current warm spell. The fact that the mowing also cleared out the current layer of leaves and saved me some raking was a bonus. We have an appointment this morning, but apart from that, today shouldn't be too crazy. Let's kick things off by taking a peek at the headlines. BDH... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? I'm feeling better, now that I got a little more sleep last night. BDH and Little Buddha were just going over today's to-do list. There aren't that many items, but it will likely take all day to complete them. Someone was kind enough to send the guys an early copy of Alex Van Halen's new memoir (you can find our review here), so I also need to go to the bookstore to check out the new releases. Thankfully, it sounds like the weather will be lovely again. Are you ready to get started? Let's do... Read more →


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It's been almost 50 years since the late Eddie Van Halen burst onto the music scene. He revolutionized guitar playing, the impact of which is still felt today. Millions of fans bought Van Halen records and were mesmerized by his virtuosity (yours truly included.) You're lucky if you ever get to see greatness live once, and we did on multiple ocasions over decades. It was devastating when Eddie died in 2020 at just 65 years old after battling cancer. Tributes flowed in from all corners of the globe, as his legacy was celebrated. There was one notable name who has... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? I'm doing a little better, now that I just double-checked today's to-do list with BDH and Little Buddha. I knew there was a dentist appointment on there, but I had the wrong time in my head. Thankfully, the guys pointed out that I was off by a few hours. There's a reason why these two are in charge around here. Now that I know I don't have to rush out the door, let's check out some headlines. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice medium DD,... Read more →


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