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April 2024

Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? I had a good time with Dad Clutter yesterday, but I can't stop thinking about the hammer of negativity someone hit me with at one point. I came up with an idea, which I thought was a creative answer to an issue, and was immediately hit with a barrage of criticism that implied I was an idiot for even suggesting it. That's such a bummer. 1) No one likes being ripped like that, but 2) responses like that also stifle future conversations, which isn't fun. Fortunately, BDH and Little Buddha have never had... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Did you enjoy the eclipse yesterday? Dad Clutter and I finished his errand in time to watch it, and I have to say, it was a pretty cool experience. It was one of those times where you're reminded (in a good way) that you're a tiny speck in this universe. Moments like that help keep things in perspective (at least for a few minutes.) Moving on - BDH and Little Buddha gave me a lengthy to-do list for today, but as they pointed out, at least the weather should be great. However, let's check out the headlines first.... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How was your weekend? It was pretty relaxing on this end. I recovered from last week's shoveling, and our crew watched the rest of the second season of Only Murders in the Building. That show is such a treat. We're moving on to other programs for a while so we don't binge-watch the third season in one sitting. BDH and Little Buddha are eagerly supervising the rest of the snow melt so we can finally start gardening season. These two are also happy about the increasing level of bird chirping in the neighborhood. In fact, they're... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. What a crazy week. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I doubt we'll do anything too crazy on this end. I'm going to need a day to bounce back from Thursday's shoveling. We ended up getting about 5-6 inches of the heavy stuff. It was manageable, but I'm still sore, so, maybe we'll binge-watch some more of Only Murders in the Building or The Bear. Meanwhile, BDH and Little Buddha are thrilled, because they think this year's gardening season should start as soon as all of... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? It took a while to start, but the snow is finally here. It's the heavy wet stuff, and the lights have flickered a few times, so a power outage is definitely possible. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. There's also the issue that the snow isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow, when it goes back to rain. What a mess. BDH and Little Buddha cut today's to do-list to the bone. It's basically, shovel, take a break, and shovel again. Good thing we have Advil. First, let's check out the headlines. The guys made coffee, so... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Our crew is just about ready for today's upcoming snowstorm. The fun isn't supposed to start until this afternoon now, so BDH and Little Buddha think I can squeeze in a couple of quick errands this morning. The to-do list includes the weekly trip to the bookstore, so fingers crossed I find something for our duo to enjoy. After that, we'll probably watch something on Hulu while we wait. I just hope we don't lose power, because There are new "One Chicago" shows to check out tonight. First, let's take a peek at the headlines.... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? Holy heck, did we have a case of the Mondays here yesterday. Everything was a struggle, from start to finish. It's been a while since that happened. Thankfully, BDH and Little Buddha did a great job keeping me from throwing in the towel early, and we eventually completed most of the to-do list. Now I've got to take care of whatever needs to happen before this snowstorm hits tomorrow and Thursday. Hopefully today's errands won't be such a fight. At least the weather should be decent. First, let's check out the headlines. The... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. How was your weekend? Our crew had fun binge-watching some programs on Hulu and enjoying a little/lot of Easter candy. BDH and Little Buddha said they're going to send me on a few errands today, because tomorrow will be busy as usual, and then it sounds like we might have a bad snowstorm coming Wednesday/Thursday. The good news is that this will probably be the last one of those for a while, but I should probably start stretching soon. The guys also remind me that today is April 1,... Read more →


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