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August 2023

Monday Clutter: Trump, Hunter Biden, AOC Calls for Clarence Thomas Investigation, RFK Jr., Boston Red Sox, Barbie, Young Sheldon, Dido, and more

Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. How was your weekend? It was a mixed bag on this end. My back tightened up for no reason at all on Saturday. It was the first time in a while that's happened. I was pretty much out of commission for the entire day, which was a drag, although BDH and Little Buddha did a great job of keeping me company. It loosened up a little bit yesterday, but it's still not completely right, so there may be some stretching on today's to-do list. On the flip side, our... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. What's on tap for the weekend? I don't know that our crew has anything big on the schedule, apart from some garden time. We may need to hold a staff meeting after we're done here to figure out our options. Speaking of which, let's get to work. BDH and Little Buddha made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Clutter. We have teamed up with Clearly Balanced Days, a NH-based/women-owned CBD company. Enter promo code "cmoore" to get $5 off your... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? BDH and Little Buddha were just telling me it's supposed to rain again later this afternoon. That's fine, I'll plow through the to-do list before it starts, and then maybe do a little cleaning around the office after that. Yesterday was pretty productive, so I'll be pleased if I can reach the same level of accomplishment today. Speaking of which, let's get to work. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Thursday Clutter We have teamed up with Clearly Balanced Days, a... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, How are you? Week going okay so far? Things are all fine on this end, although I'm moving a little slowly this morning. I went to last night's Red Sox game and had a blast hanging out with a close friend I haven't seen in ages. However, even though the game ended at a reasonable hour (largely because the Sox were noncompetitive), by the time I got back to Clutter Headquarters and fell asleep, it was well past my bedtime. Fortunately, BDH and Little Buddha just pointed out that all of today's errands are in the same general... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? BDH and Little Buddha were just checking out the latest weather forecast. It sounds like thunderstorms are expected for most of today, although they might be heavier in the morning. Hmm, gotta figure out what that means for today's to-do list. Well, I'll deal with that later. Let's check out the headlines. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Tuesday Clutter. We have teamed up with Clearly Balanced Days, a NH-based/women-owned CBD company. Enter promo code "cmoore" to get $5 off your... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. Did you have a good weekend? It was pretty busy on our end, but overall, I'd say it was fun and productive. Took care of a number of errands, hung out with Dad Clutter's cat for a while (because the big guy was out of town), and had a decent amount of garden time, so no complaints. BDH and Little Buddha tell me the forecast calls for at least a chance of rain later this morning through Tuesday. I feel like that might be a tease, but the plants... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. What's on tap for the weekend? My biggest assignmen is to snap out of this irritated mood, because yesterday was a drag from start to finish, and I don't want to spend all of August this grouchy. It doesn't help that I have a dentist appointment today. However, on the flip side, I can pick up the new Mammoth WVH album on the way, so that's a start. BDH and Little Buddha promised to do everything they can to cheer me up, so I'm sure we'll figure it out.... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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The rumors are true, today is Clearing out the Clutter's 14th birthday! That's mind-blowing. August 3, 2009 seems like multiple lifetimes ago, yet it's gone by in the blink of an eye. Little Buddha was still safely tucked away in his resting place, BDH was about six months away from arriving on the scene, and we had a group of about 10 readers who were all located in the greater Boston area. Now, the guys run the show (while yours truly handles the typing), and we have expanded to a global audience, with readers from literally every country on Earth... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? I'm a little cranky after dealing with an awful vendor, but BDH and Little Buddha are doing their best to distract me. On the flip side, I had a blast in the garden last night. The weather was terrific, and we had a huge turnout for the bee party. They were in several areas, and they all seemed to be having a terrific time, which always makes me feel good. Fine, I'll focus on that instead of the stupid vendor who couldn't care less about providing competent service, because they're awful people, and...... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, How is August treating you so far? I struck out at the bookstore yesterday, which was a little disappointing. Feel free to email any reading suggestions for BDH and Little Buddha to [email protected]. Nothing scary though. Other than that, yesterday was pretty productive. The guys say today's to-do list is somewhat short, which to me means more garden time. That's just fine. First, let's check out the headlines. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Wednesday Clutter. We have teamed up with... Read more →


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