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December 2022

Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. Any big plans for the weekend? We probably won't do anything too crazy. BDH and Little Buddha still have to check the TV listings, but I assume we have a Twilight Zone and/or Three Stooges marathon on tomorrow night's schedule. After that, comes the Patriots-Dolphins game on Sunday afternoon. Seems like a good way to ease into the new year. Man, did 2022 go by quickly. Are you ready to check out the headlines one more time before 2023 arrives? Let's do it. There's a fresh pot of coffee... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you, as we head into the final days of 2022? Don't be too jealous, but I'm celebrating the end of the year in style. That's right, I'm off to the dentist in a little while. Not only that - I get to go back next week. Yes, that's my good fortune. It shouldn't actually be that bad, but still...ugh. Oh well, at least it will be a decent day weather-wise. First things first, let's check out today's headlines. BDH and Little Buddha made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Did you enjoy your weekend? Christmas was a bit of an adventure on this end. My dad lost power because of the storm. He and his wife ended up getting a hotel room, while I brought his cat back to the Northern Estate with me. Miguel and I are best buddies, but he was not feeling the change in scenery when we first got home. Miguel eventually adjusted to his new surroundings, and we spent the past few days just hanging out, which was a blast. My dad's power was eventually restored, so I brought... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. This has been a crazy week, so it's fitting that it's ending with this big storm. The rain seems to have died down for the moment, but BDH and Little Buddha say it should be back soon. Meanwhile, the wind is causing a ruckus, so I'm charging my phone now, in case we lose power. This feels like a good day to stay home, so that's exactly what we're going to do. "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" just came out on Netflix, so our crew will hop on... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? I'm trying to get a sense of the weather forecast for the next couple of days. BDH and Little Buddha said things should be okay around here for most of today. The highs will be in the low 40's, but once it starts raining tonight, it's going to last for about 36 hours with heavy winds. The temperature drops after that, so it sounds like ice will be the lingering issue for us this weekend. I have to figure out what errands still need to happen this week, because we'll probably stay home tomorrow. On... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Happy winter solstice to you all! Sunsets are already getting later, but after today, sunrises will reverse course and start happening earlier. Here's to brighter days ahead, everyone. Lord knows we deserve them. How are you? This has already been one crazy week, friends. I had a new car issue yesterday, but without getting into the whole saga, it was resolved pretty quickly. The mechanics at my garage are good guys, but I'd prefer not to see them again for a little while. Anyway, BDH and Little Buddha just told me it's currently 18 degrees outside. Don't think... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Have you finished your Christmas shopping, or should we not talk about that? Things are okay on this end. The mechanic thinks the problem with the car is finally solved, so here's hoping he's right. I'm still hobbling around on my broken toe, but it should be manageable, as long as I don't slip on anything. There are a few errands on today's list, but that should be fine as long as I don't try to rush on any of them. Don't think I'm going to make it to the bookstore to check out the... Read more →


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Hi folks, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. How was the rest of your weekend? Not going to lie, things are already a little crazy here at the moment. I have to bring the car back to the mechanic this morning, because the same light came on again yesterday. No idea what's going on there, but hopefully the third time's the charm? The extra little wrinkle is that I'm pretty sure I broke a toe this weekend. Driving is a little uncomfortable, but if I move slowly, hopefully I'll get to the garage and back without an... Read more →


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Hi folks, How are you? Weekend going okay so far? Everything is chugging along on this end. We've got a busy week ahead, so our crew decided to take it easy yesterday, which felt like a good call. It helped that there were a few NFL games to watch. Today's to do-list is pretty long, especially if we want to be able to catch the Patriots this afternoon, so let's get to work. BDH and Little Buddha say the coffee is ready, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Sunday Clutter. (ICYMI -... Read more →


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Hi friends, As 2022 comes to a close, it's time for our crew to once again take stock of another busy year at Clutter Headquarters. We once again had visitors from every single country on the planet, an achievement which will never cease to both amaze and humble us. In fact, we try not to think about that too much, because BDH and Little Buddha could get shy really quickly if they let that sink in for more than a minute. Thank you all so much for once again giving us some of your time each day as we discuss,... Read more →


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