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April 2022

Hi folks, How was the rest of your weekend? Yesterday's Doctor Who episode was fair, but we still enjoyed watching it. Now we wait for Jodie Whittaker's final episode this fall. In the meantime, it's a little chilly this morning, but the heat just kicked in, and the birds are already chirping, so BDH and Little Buddha are happy. I think this week should start on a pretty quiet note. We might have to take a trip to the store later to see if any decent Easter candy is on sale. Other than that, we'll just try to ease into... Read more →


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The Doctor, Yaz, and Dan rang in the new year by successfully defeating a group of Daleks. Now they're off to start a new adventure, but of course things don't go as planned. They run into an old school enemy of the Time Lord, and the Doctor and Yaz have to work out their relationship, while Dan does his best to stay out of the way. We also know time is running out for #13, and there's still the lingering issue of the Flux having destroyed a good part of the universe. Can the Doctor take care of all of... Read more →


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Hi folks, How are you? Weekend going okay so far? Our crew is doing well, thank you. I took care of everything on yesterday's to-do list, so that was good. However, going grocery shopping the day before Easter is a rookie mistake. There were way too many people who were all stressed and not looking where they were going. By the way, happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating it today. We got a solid rain last night, and the garden is off to a great start this year. Now I have to let things dry out a bit now... Read more →


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Hi folks, Happy Friday! Congratulations on making it through another week. What's on tap for the weekend? The two big things on our list are 1) trying to get in some garden time (weather permitting), and 2) enjoying the new Doctor Who episode on Sunday. Of course, Easter is coming, so maybe we'll also indulge in a little bit of candy. Nothing too crazy though, BDH and Little Buddha get stomach aches when they overdo it. Are you ready to check out the headlines? Let's do it. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's... Read more →


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Hi folks, How are you? We have a happy crew in the office right now, because I finally found a new book for BDH and Little Buddha yesterday! They just started Still Just a Geek: An Annotated Memoir, by Wil Wheaton, and they are loving it so far. It's about 450 pages long, so it should take them a little while to finish. (Of course, they have to occasionally stop reading to listen to the chirping birds for a bit.) I also just saw another interesting book on the store's website when I grabbed the link for this one, so... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Our week got off to a good start yesterday. I repotted two more plants, including one that desperately needed it. I really waited too long on that one, and man, was it wedged into its original pot. The extraction took longer than usual, but the plant finally came loose, and now both of them are have settled in nicely to their new spaces. The birds are chirping away again this morning, and BDH and Little Buddha are hanging on every note. I'm off to the bookstore after we're done here, and I'm pretty... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. We hope you had a terrific weekend. Yesterday was a little busier than I was expecting. However, I took care of all of the major tasks on the to-do list, so that was good. Moving a little slowly this morning after waking up early for some reason. BDH and Little Buddha say we'll work around it. I've got to run a couple of errands this morning, and then we'll see about a quick nap, if that's what it takes to get through the rest of the day. First, let's... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How's your weekend going so far? We had a lot of running around yesterday, but today should be quieter. There are only a couple of items on today's to-do list, and they're mostly around the house, so hopefully this will be a relaxed, but still productive, day. BDH and Little Buddha are thrilled that the birds are chirping away this morning. The guys think the birds are saying they're excited that gardening season is here. Join the club, kids. Now, let's get to work. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. Our week is ending on a great note. It's still raining at the moment, but BDH and Little Buddha expect that to finish soon. The big news is that we found out yesterday that former Doctor Who star David Tennant is coming to this year's FanExpo Boston! Meeting David Tennant is a legitimate "bucket list" item here, so I already ordered all of the tickets, and now we have something to look forward to in August. Plus, the Red Sox are supposed to kickoff the 2022 regular season against... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How's your week going so far? I seem to be alternating productive and unproductive days. Didn't get that much done yesterday, so hopefully that means I'll plow right through today's list. BDH and Little Buddha say the weather will be fine for errands, although it will be pretty windy, and then I guess we have some heavy rain coming tonight. Unfortunately, Opening Day has already been postponed for the Red Sox, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to enjoy some baseball. For now, let's check out the news. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice... Read more →


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