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November 2021

Hi folks, Welcome back! How are you? The week got off to a good start on this end yesterday. Like I previously mentioned, we had a long to-do list for Monday, but BDH and Little Buddha were right: The trick was just to focus on one errand at a time, and I took care of all of them by late afternoon. Score! There aren't as many tasks on today's list, but of course the big one is the weekly trip to the bookstore. We haven't had great luck on that front recently. The guys haven't really loved the last few... Read more →


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We're heading into the final stretch of Series 13, friends. Doctor Who: Flux has been a wild, and at times, chaotic, ride. Do we trust Chris Chibnall to bring it in for a satisfying landing in the last two episodes? Wild card: What if the story actually continues through next year's three specials that we know end with a regeneration? Well, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Are you ready to discuss this week's adventure? Here we go... (Warning: Spoilers ahead.) Plot Summary: The Doctor, who was turned into a Weeping Angel at the end of the last... Read more →


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Hi folks, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. We hope you enjoyed the rest of the weekend. Do you have big plans for this week? Today's to-do list is long, but BDH and Little Buddha said to just focus on crossing one item off at a time, and everything will be fine. They also said they'll be hard at work on their Christmas lists while I'm taking care of the other stuff. Sounds like a fair deal. Should we get to work? Let's get to work. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab... Read more →


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Hi folks, Welcome back! How are you? We're all doing pretty well, although I'm not thrilled about it being in the low 20's outside right now. It's like this is the end of November or something. BDH and Little Buddha are reminding me that there's nothing we can do about the temperatures, so we need to just bundle up and push through the next few months one day at at time. I might have grumbled a little bit at that advice, but they're right as usual. The guys also point out that the New England Patriots and Doctor Who are... Read more →


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Listen, we're not trying to be rude, but if you're not a child of the 80's, you should probably move on the other posts on our site, because this review of 8-Bit Christmas, and the movie itself, aren't aimed at you. For everyone who did grow up in that crazy decade, how many times have you seen A Christmas Story? You know the one - a little kid in the 1950's named Ralphie spends the entire film trying to get his dream Christmas present: a Red Ryder BB gun. He goes through all sorts of adventures in pursuit of that... Read more →


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Hi folks, How are you? Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Our crew spent the day watching football, which was fun. However, now it feels like today is Monday, and that's a little confusing. I'm being told that we're expecting snow this evening, so I definitely need to finish today's errands and get off the road before that starts. Hold on...BDH and Little Buddha are also reminding me that Christmas is now less than a month away, so they're going to start working on their lists. Man, November flew by this year, even more so than usual. Anyway, we'll sort... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Thanksgiving to you all! We usually just say a quick hello on Turkey Day. However, we were out yesterday because the car had to go to the mechanic, and BDH and Little Buddha didn't want to miss you for two days in a row, so we're back to hang out for a bit. Sound good? From our crew to yours, thank you so much for giving us a few minutes of your time, day in and day out. We don't take that for granted, so cheers to all of you! Now, let's take... Read more →


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Hi folks, How are you? Our crew decided to give ourselves a treat by not turning on the alarm last night, so of course I woke up at 4:00 in the morning. However, since I didn't have to worry about what time I was getting up, I just had some quiet time for a while and eventually fell asleep again. It's nice to be able to do that every once in a while. The calendar says this is Tuesday, so I'm off to the local bookstore after we're done here to see if they have anything new for BDH and... Read more →


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Welcome back! Has everyone had enough time to settle down after last week's chaotic episode? We're starting the second half of Series 13 this week. There are plenty of unanswered (and intriguing) questions to be resolved with just three episodes left. Can showrunner Chris Chibnall match the energy of the first half and give us a satisfying conclusion to this adventure? When last we left the Doctor, Yaz, and Dan, they were dealing with the small fact that a Weeping Angel hijacked the TARDIS. Just another day in the Time Vortex, right? Where do we go from here? Let's jump... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How was the rest of your weekend? It was good on this end. I helped Dad Clutter with a few chores yesterday, and then we watched football for a bit. The new episode of Doctor Who was wild, but we'll cover that in the review later today. BDH, Little Buddha, and I were just looking over this week's schedule. There's a good amount of running around, but we should be here every day this week except Wednesday. We'll let you know if anything changes. Now, let's take a peek at the headlines. The guys made coffee,... Read more →


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