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June 2021

We loved everything about the 2019 Good Omens series on Amazon. The original book, written by Neil Gaiman and the late Terry Pratchett, was one of our favorite reads. You also can't beat the pairing of David Tennant and Michael Sheen as the demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale who are trying to save the world from an 11-year-old antichrist. We enjoyed every minute of each episode, especially the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale. It was sad when the story was over. It could have been twice as long, and that would have been fine. However, the finish was true to... Read more →


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The Sopranos went off the air in 2007, and when star James Gandolfini died in 2013, most people assumed that was the last the world would hear of mobster Tony Soprano. However, he's back and up against a different sort of challenge this time: expectations. The first trailer just came out for the long-awaited Soprano origin story, The Many Saints of Newark, and it looks amazing. Series creator David Chase co-wrote the movie, so you know it will get the details of the young mobster's life right. It has an all-star cast, including Vera Farmiga (Livia Soprano), Corey Stoll (Junior... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! I don't know about you, but the first half of 2021 is ending on a rough note here. First off, I struck out at the bookstore yesterday, so it looks like we'll be checking out Richard Marx's autobiography next week. The real issue is that last night's sleep was even worse than the night before. It was warmer, and there was just no air movement. It's also already hotter and muggier in here than it was this time yesterday morning. I have two errands to run at some point today, but BDH and Little Buddha just... Read more →


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It's all coming together for Wolf Van Halen and his Mammoth WVH solo project. The talented musician released one of the best rock albums in years a few weeks ago, and now he and his new bandmates are rehearsing as they get ready to ht the road with the legendary Guns N' Roses. Mammoth WVH just announced their tour dates from July 31 through October 3. As you might expect, the Guns N' Roses tour will be a busy one this summer and fall, but the most interesting thing is that Mammoth WVH will also be headlining a handful of... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? This is just a brutal stretch. I watered the garden yesterday evening, which was a good call, because there's suddenly less rain in this week's forecast. Those plants are tough, friends. They're hanging in there and looking gorgeous, even though it's like an oven outside. Had to stay up later than usual afterwards, because it was still something like 84 degrees at our usual bedtime. That's ridiculous. Of course BDH and Little Buddha can sleep through anything, but it was a fight the whole way for me until the temps dropped down to a chilly... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! I'm sorry it's already so warm in here. BDH and Little Buddha are trying to position the fan for maximum effectiveness. It looks like we've got a rough couple of days ahead of us. I've got a couple of errands to run after we're done here, so that should be an adventure. I'm also still debating when to water the garden. It's supposed to still be 90 degrees later this afternoon/early evening, which doesn't seem optimal, and it is supposed to rain during the second half of the week, but we know that can be a... Read more →


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Hi everyone, I know we said yesterday that we might not be here today. However, our crew is a little down right now, so we decided to rearrange the schedule a bit to make sure we could hang out with you, because that always makes us feel better. We're blue because our neighbor cut down a tree that provided shade for the back part of the garden. I knew the tree had some issues, because a dead limb broke off and fell through our garage roof earlier this year, and every bit of rain or wind brought us a little... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We are a little uncertain about tomorrow's schedule right now, and BDH and Little Buddha didn't want to risk going the whole weekend without seeing you, so we thought we'd say hi. Not really sure about today's schedule either, to be honest. The guys say the real heat wave begins tomorrow, so I should think about whether there are any errands to take care of before then. Anyway, we'll figure that out later. Let's check out the headlines first. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Happy Friday! Congratulations on making it through another week. It's kind of a gloomy morning so far, as we get the last of the rain. BDH and Little Buddha say to focus on the reasonable temperatures today, because there's another heat wave coming soon. Fantastic. Anyway, let's get to work. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Clutter. Derek Chauvin is expected to receive a prison sentence of 20 to 25 years today for the 2020 murder of George Floyd. Hopefully that will be the case, because... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Are things going well, or are you already counting the hours until the weekend starts? We're all doing fine here at the moment. Had a productive day and crossed a number of things off the to-do list yesterday, plus the weather was gorgeous. It's actually a little cold here at the moment, but BDH and Little Buddha say that won't last much longer. The only problem is that we never got around to watching the new Loki episode, so we'll try to take care of that at some point today. In the meantime, let's see... Read more →


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