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October 2020

Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Sorry we missed you yesterday. I had a morning appointment, followed by an afternoon Zoom call, and there just wasn't time to check in between the two. BDH and Little Buddha were determined we not go two days in a row without seeing you, so here we are! What's on tap for the weekend? I'm pretty sure we're still doing Halloween tomorrow. It just doesn't feel like a good idea this year, but there will probably still be a little bag of goodies for the guys to enjoy. They've been so good about... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Before I forget, we will be out of the office tomorrow, but we expect to be back in action on Friday. Now, how are you? I struck out again at the bookstore yesterday, which was disappointing, but BDH and Little Buddha were good sports about it as usual. At least they have a new Supernatural episode to look forward to tonight. I did finish wrapping the windows that need it, so we're (somewhat) prepared for the colder weather. Let's check out the headlines. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? It's Tuesday, so you know what that means - it's time for this week's trip to the bookstore! Here's hoping I can finally break my recent unlucky streak and find something good for BDH and Little Buddha to read. They're such good sports about our recent dry spell, but I'd love to get them something they can dive into for a while, especially as it's getting darker and colder outside. Their favorite network TV shows return in November, so they have that distraction to look forward to, but nothing beats a good book.... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? BDH and Little Buddha were just checking out the weather forecast. Looks like we've got scattered showers for most of the day. I can work around that. We decided that we're not going to do Halloween this year. It just doesn't make sense in light of the pandemic. However, we may still buy a bag of candy. Of course, I will have to set limits again for how many pieces the guys can have at one time. It doesn't take much for BDH to get himself all hopped up on sugar, and Little... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How's your weekend been so far? No complaints on this end. As far as we can tell, today's New England Patriots game against the San Francisco 49ers is still happening, so that's nice. I'm going to hop on the treadmill at some point before that to start getting back into an exercise routine. Nothing crazy, maybe just a brisk 30-minute walk. I could do it outside, but it would be nice not to have to worry about being around other people for a bit. After consulting with my trainers (BDH and Little Buddha), I'm counting on... Read more →


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We love occasionally jumping headfirst down the YouTube rabbit hole to find music videos that we either haven't seen in years or never knew existed in the first place. Just roll the dice and let the algorithms guide us where they may. Our latest trip brought us to what is one of our best discoveries in ages: The 2014 concert where Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band covered Van Halen's classic song, "Jump." Let's be clear, no one will ever top the original version, and that's not up for debate. However, this cover is fantastic It's pure joy for... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and congratulations on making it to the end of yet another week. Well done! This year, man. I just found out yesterday that someone who had a huge impact on me years ago died this past summer. We don't need to get into the details, but I owe him a lot, and all I can do now is say thanks, Mike. You were one of the good guys. So, what's the plan for the weekend? We've got the usual yard work and New England Patriots game on the to-do list. Nothing too crazy, and that's fine... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Everyone here is doing fine at the moment. BDH and Little Buddha were up early working on my to-do list for today. It made me a little nervous that they thought they needed the extra time, but they said they just wanted to make sure it was right. It doesn't actually look all that bad, so that's good. The guys keep reading about coronavirus case numbers moving in the wrong direction in Massachusetts, as well as most of the rest of the country, so the #1 item on the list is, "WEAR YOUR... Read more →


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When David Tennant launched his podcast in 2019, there was one person many Doctor Who fans were waiting for him to announce as a guest. The wait is over, because the current episode of David Tennant Does a Podcast with... features the one and only Billie Piper! That's right, the 10th Doctor and Rose are reunited, as the two cover a wide variety of topics, including Piper's professional start as a teenage pop star, her time on Doctor Who and other acting roles, and the fact that she's increasingly taking more control over her projects. Billie Piper has had a... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? I'm just waiting for BDH and Little Buddha to come in with the weather they are. Cloudy with highs almost reaching 70? We can work with that. I struck out again at the bookstore yesterday. There just haven't been any new releases that I think the guys would enjoy. They suggested maybe we should start checking out podcasts until the next book comes along. That's a thought. Any recommendations? Well, we'll figure that out later. Let's see what's going on in the world. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter,... Read more →


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