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September 2020

With all of the insanity of 2020 raging at full speed, a reader probably has two basic options when choosing a book this year. First, you can find something that will distract you from a tension of a global pandemic and presidential politics. Maybe something lighthearted that features a puppy who gets separated from his family and has a great adventure as he makes his way back home. The other choice is that you can lean in hard to the madness and dive into something like Chuck Palahniuk's new novel, The Invention of Sound (out now.) The Fight Club author's... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Yesterday was a no-go at the bookstore. Nothing for BDH and Little Buddha in the new releases section, and they just finished their current book. I might try a different store to see if they have anything, but we're open to suggestions. I'm moving a little slowly at the moment, thanks to about 90 minutes of sleeplessness starting around 2:30 in the morning. Don't know what that was about. I fell asleep shortly after going to bed, and then, wide awake for no apparent reason. Good times. I heard the start of the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? The calendar says Tuesday, so you know what that means around here - a trip to the bookstore! BDH and Little Buddha actually haven't finished reading their current book yet, so I was thinking maybe I should hold off on looking at the new releases until they're done. However, I don't get the feeling they're on board with that plan, so I'll be heading out once we sort through the headlines. (You can't see it, but they both just smiled a little more when I wrote that.) The guys made you coffee, so... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Ready for a new week? Neither are we, but we'll get through it together. It looks like we got a little rain last night. BDH and Little Buddha just told me that the weather forecast changed back to there now not being much chance of more of it before Tuesday night, so I still feel good about watering the garden last Saturday. For once, Charlie Brown didn't fall for Lucy's football trick. We're going to put that into the win column for 2020. (The way this year has gone, we'll take every victory... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We're all doing fine at the moment. I gave the garden a good watering yesterday afternoon, so of course the weather forecast now calls for a chance of rain Monday through Thursday. That's okay, I couldn't take a chance on being tricked again. It's been dry as hell around here, and the plants really needed the water. If they get even more over the next few days, all the better. Other than that, BDH and Little Buddha are looking forward to watching the Patriots game this afternoon and then helping me write the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and congratulations on making it through another week. Feels like we should start ordering party platters or something to celebrate. I'll have BDH and Little Buddha look into some options. What's on the schedule for the weekend? It's mostly yard work and the Patriots game on Sunday on this end. The guys say the temps will reach close to 80, so that should be great, although we could really use some rain. Oh, before I forget, I found a new book for our duo to read. It's not long, but it might last until next week's... Read more →


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I was starting to think Allie Brosh was a figment of my imagination. I read her first book, Hyperbole and a Half in 2015. I was not in a great headspace at the time, but I'd heard good thing about this new humorist and thought I would see what all the buzz was about. I'd never encountered anything like that book, which was somewhere between a graphic novel and a collection of blog posts. It had crude (i.e. rudimentary) graphics that were endearingly weird. The accompanying stories included her family, random adventures with things like hot sauce, her battle with... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? It's officially fall, and BDH and Little Buddha say today's high temperature will be close to 80 degrees. That sounds about right. Guess I can't put away the shorts just yet. The guys have almost finished the new Allie Brosh book, so they think it wouldn't be the worst idea for me to go to the other bookstore today to see if there's anything else they might like to read this week. How can I say no? First, let's check out the headlines. We've got a fresh pot of coffee on the counter,... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We scored a win at the bookstore yesterday! I picked up a copy of Allie Brosh's new book, Solutions and Other Problems for BDH and Little Buddha. They really enjoyed her first book, Hyperbole and a Half, and that came out in 2013, so they've been waiting ages for a new batch of stories. This one is about 500 pages long, but a lot of that is pictures, so it's a good balance for the guys. It should keep them busy until tomorrow at least. Anyway, I have to water the garden later... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! It's Tuesday, and that means BDH and Little Buddha already asked what time I'm going to the bookstore today. I don't want to get their hopes up, but I'm pretty sure there's a new release that they'll enjoy. We'll find out later this morning. It's fun having this trip to look forward to every week. However, first things first - let's check out today's headlines. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Clutter. Is anyone surprised that Donald Trump has... Read more →


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