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May 2020

Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? That rain we were expecting today came early, so it's much more comfortable in here now than it has been over the last few days, which is great. BDH, Little Buddha, and I were just discussing how much of a mess the world is these days. It's moving in the wrong direction, and the carnage seems to be accelerating. The guys think things would be better if everyone just listened to the birds with them for a while. I can vouch for the fact that hanging out with these two is a guaranteed... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Congratulations on making it through another week. Do you have anything special lined up this weekend? It will probably be pretty quiet here. However, BDH and Little Buddha are still researching how to cut your own hair at home, so that could make things more interesting. They tell me it's supposed to rain for a good part of the day tomorrow, which would be great, because this humidity is already too much. Anyway, let's check out today's headlines. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some... Read more →


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Actor Maurice Benard is known by soap opera fans around the country as Sonny Corinthos, the longstanding mob boss of Port Charles on General Hospital. He's been a central character on the show for almost 30 years and has seen it all: enemies, wives, children, you name it. In addition to all of that, Sonny suffers from bipolar disorder which has been a recurring storyline for years. There's no doubt that's the biggest opponent Corinthos must face. The diagnosis hits close to home for Benard, who has been dealing with bipolar disorder for most of his life. It's taken Benard... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? I had a rough night trying to sleep in this heat and humidity, and then I was woken up this morning by what was apparently a yellow jacket flying into me. Rude. I thought I had him trapped, but now I'm not sure where he's gone, so that's fun. BDH and Little Buddha can't find him either, but they say we should try to forget about him and focus on today's headlines instead. The guys also want you to know that they just made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, and... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We're doing okay, even though the birds woke us up at 3:10 this morning. That may be a new record. BDH and Little Buddha think they were talking about the arrival of the warm weather. Speaking of which, it appears one of our fans died over the winter, so sorry it's a little stuffy in here at the moment. Hold on while I open a window. That should make things better for now. Oh, exciting news - I was able to get a new book for the guys yesterday! That hasn't happened in... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We're doing well, although it's another cloudy morning. BDH and Little Buddha say it's supposed to be sunny this afternoon, though, so that's okay. I've got a business call to make later this morning - can't remember the last time that happened. The other party asked if I wanted to make it a Zoom call. No thank you. It would take too much work to look professional at the moment. Plus, this way, the guys can feel free to (quietly) roam around without being on camera while I'm on the phone. We're a... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? I'm just waiting for BDH and Little Buddha to come back with a weather report. It's pretty dark outside right now. I hope that's not the forecast for the day. Oh, here they are. The guys hear it's supposed to be cloudy for most of the day, but it will also warm up a bit. They also say the birds are looking forward to checking out the garden some more. That works. Now, let's check out the headlines. There's a fresh pot of coffee on the table, so grab yourself a nice medium... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We were just trying to figure out today's plan. It's going to be pretty quiet at Clutter Headquarters. I don't want BDH and Little Buddha to get bored, but they insist they're happy listening to the birds chirp all day. The guys think the birds are still talking about whether or not baseball will start this year. If they're good with that, then I'll probably take care of some cleaning. Like I said, quiet day. At least the weather should be decent. In any case, you're here, we're here, and now the coffee... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and congratulations on finishing another week! It feels like we should pass out trophies or something. BDH and Little Buddha just reminded me that this is Memorial Day weekend. Will you be doing anything special? I think it will probably be business as usual for us. The weather should be nice, so there will be garden time, a bike ride or two, and just generally staying away from people, as usual. I wonder what the traffic will be like. In any case, let's check out today's headlines. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Things are going smoothly here. Yesterday was pretty quiet, apart from doing Dad Clutter's grocery shopping. Of course, I still managed to work in some garden time. I didn't love skipping my bike ride, but it was probably for the best. I was feeling a bit run down, but between taking it easy and finally getting a good night's sleep, I'm ready to go today. BDH and Little Buddha were up early listening to the birds. They say the birds were chirping about how much they're looking forward to hanging out in the... Read more →


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