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There's No Way To Watch "Kitbull" Without Crying

We weren't going to do it.  No thanks.  We've been hearing about Disney-Pixar's new short film, Kitbull, for days now, and we were not going to watch it.  Review after review said the same thing:  There's no way to get through this nine-minute film without crying. 

As much as we might like to act like a cynical crew around here sometimes (or at least some us *cough*), we're a bunch of softies at heart.  Why would we want to watch something that would have us feeling the feels in the first 30 seconds?  Pass.

That was the plan, until today when we gave in and watched the film.  Long story short, Kitbull lives up to the hype and then some.  It's a wonderful story about a homeless kitten and an abused pit bull who find each other under difficult circumstances, and a friendship is born.  Everything about it is terrific, but we want to give a special kudos to the handling of the dog.  Our interactions with the breed have consistently shown that pit bulls are inherently goofy under healthy circumstances, and that's handled well in Kitbull.  Hopefully this movie will inspire some folks to rethink their attitudes towards these dogs, who are just as deserving of love and good homes as any other pooch.

If you are thinking about adopting a pet, the ASPCA website can help you find a shelter in your area.  Please don't buy from a breeder.  Rescuing animals saves lives.

Now, check out Kitbull and make sure to keep some Kleenex handy.


Kitbull February 25 2019 (2)Kitbull is a tale of friendship you won't soon forget.  (pic via



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