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November 2018
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January 2019

December 2018

Hi everyone, Welcome back for our last gathering of 2018! Another year is in the books. That's a little nuts. BDH and Little Buddha are asking if they can stay up until midnight again. I told them I think we'll all need a nap beforehand for that to happen, so that's something for us to look forward to this afternoon. I can't say I'm "excited" for 2019 to arrive, maybe more along the lines of curious and a touch apprehensive. The guys are constantly reminding me to take a deep breath and not worry too much about what's to come... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Ready for the last weekend of 2018? We've got a lot of running around to do here, and BDH and Little Buddha aren't positive that we'll be around on Sunday, so they wanted to make sure we said hello today. They also just want to mention that after they finished counting all of the coffee cups we used yesterday, they realized we had more visitors on Friday than we've ever had in a single day before, and that has them both grinning from ear to ear. (It also means we'll need to buy more coffee next... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, make yourselves comfortable. How are you? We were just talking about how crazy it is that the year's almost over. In some ways, it feels like it's been 2018 forever, and in others, it seems like the whole thing went by in a flash. (Speaking of which, don't forget to check out this year's "Best of Clutter," and let us know what you think!) I asked BDH and Little Buddha if they want to do resolutions for 2019. They said they'd think about it and get back to me. Fair enough. In the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, 2018 was another terrific year for the crew at Clutter Headquarters. We loved hanging out with all of you every day. BDH and Little Buddha ran the numbers, and we had visitors from all 50 states and a total of 117 countries. No wonder we bought so much coffee! It's our honor, as always, to grab a few minutes of your time, and we thank you so much for being part of our crazy group. We've once again gone through the files to try to find our best work from this year. It's hard to choose, because we... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. We hope you all had a nice Christmas (if that's what you celebrate) yesterday. We had a good day here. BDH and Little Buddha enjoyed their presents, and they got to talk to some relatives, which is always fun. We're doing things a little differently this year, so there are also more activities happening today. However, let's check out today's headlines before any of that craziness begins. The guys made coffee, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Wednesday Clutter. It's heartbreaking... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back! We weren't sure how many of you would be able to make it today. BDH and Little Buddha wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope you have a lovely day ahead of you. For those of you who find today challenging, we send you our best wishes and hope that you engage in some nice self-care. We thought we'd take a quick look at the headlines before things get crazy around here. The guys made you a fresh pot of coffee, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a merry Christmas Eve to you all. We hope you've finished your shopping by now, but good luck to everyone who is brave enough to venture into the stores today. We're all set on that front, but I'm still feeling a little stressed. I've got a number of non-Christmas errands to do, and with all of the running around for the holidays, it sort of feels like I need to do them all this morning, or else they won't get done this week, even though it's only Monday. BDH and Little Buddha told me to... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? We were just discussing the crazy full moon early this morning. There was no need for an alarm clock with that shining outside our window! Are you all set for Christmas? I just need to wrap the catnip for Dad Clutter's cats. I like to put them in with the rest of the presents. The cats will walk into the room at some point, thinking everything is fine, and then one of them will realize that two of the presents are not like the others, and then... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. Wait, happy first day of winter! We're going to celebrate with a heavy rainstorm that could possibly knock out our power. On the other hand, the sunlight starts increasing after today, so that's a fair trade-off. Sorry we were gone yesterday. Everyone at Clutter Headquarters gets a little antsy when we don't get to hang out with you. We try to keep schedule disruptions to a minimum, but there may be a couple of additional misses between now and January 2nd, with holiday travel and all that. Anyway, let's... Read more →


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Hearing the news that local officials voted to permanently revoke the license of the Foxy Lady in Providence, Rhode Island, reminded me of the last time I stepped foot inside that club. It was a Saturday in Boston in the summer of 1998. My friends and I hadn't come up with anything interesting to do for the day, so someone finally said, "Screw it, let's go to the Foxy Lady." My response was, "Sounds good. Hell, maybe we'll see Mo Vaughn there," as the then-Boston Red Sox first baseman was known to be a frequent visitor of the establishment. We... Read more →


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