2018 Best of Clearing out the Clutter
Hi everyone,
2018 was another terrific year for the crew at Clutter Headquarters. We loved hanging out with all of you every day. BDH and Little Buddha ran the numbers, and we had visitors from all 50 states and a total of 117 countries. No wonder we bought so much coffee! It's our honor, as always, to grab a few minutes of your time, and we thank you so much for being part of our crazy group.
We've once again gone through the files to try to find our best work from this year. It's hard to choose, because we enjoy everything that happens here, but what follows below is a combination of some of the most-read posts and some personal favorites. There's no way we're going to rank these, so in chronological order, we give you the 2018 Best of Clearing out the Clutter. Enjoy!
RIP Dolores O'Riordan January 23, 2018
(Book Review) Ninety Percent Mental March 20, 2018
(Review) Andre the Giant Documentary: A Man Looking to Belong April 11, 2018
(Book Review) Adjustment Day May 1, 2018
(Book Review) Robin May 15, 2018
Keep One More Light On June 11, 2018
(Review) David Letterman Sits Down With Howard Stern June 13, 2018
(Book Review) Medium Raw June 19 2018
Don't Be Bullied Into Civility June 25, 2018
Check out the 13th Doctor in the new Series 11 Trailer! July 19, 2018
The Story of Little D August 6, 2018
Stop and Open A Window August 20, 2018
Chuck Klosterman Ranks All 131 Van Halen Songs September 7, 2018
The 13th Doctor Breaks a Glass Ceiling in New Promo September 8, 2018
(Book Review) Fear: Trump in the White House September 15, 2018
(Beer Review) Harpoon Dunkin' Coffee Porter October 6, 2018
The Good Omens Trailer is Here! October 8, 2018
David Tennant Owns "Tell It To My Heart" November 21 2018
Donald Trump's Next Chief of Staff is a Real American December 13, 2018
Mo Vaughn, Me, and the Foxy Lady December 20, 2018
What a year. We hope you enjoyed all of these as much as we did, and we're excited to see what's next. On behalf of the entire Clearing out the Clutter family, thank you again for your time and support, and here's to more stories to come in 2019!
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