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There's No Innocent Explanation Left: Russia Owns Donald Trump


We're in trouble.  While we already knew it to some degree, Donald Trump's bizarre abomination of a press conference with Vladimir Putin today makes it clear that Russia owns him, lock, stock, and barrel.   The indictments continue to increase, and the evidence becomes more overwhelming by the day that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump get elected, and the only person left who won't acknowledge it is Trump himself.  His only "defense" is to attack the U.S. intelligence community, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and anyone else who acknowledges reality. 

The question now becomes, what are we going to do about it?  Republican officials are busy expressing their "surprise" and "disappointment" that Trump didn't offer up any kind of resistance whatsoever to Putin at today's summit.  (We see you, Lindsey Graham.)  The immediate analysis is that it seems clear the GOP will try to run out the clock between now and the mid-term elections by conceding Russia interfered, but still hoping voters will buy the idea that the Trump team had no role.  These cowards are especially hoping that voters won't hold them accountable for being complete patsies for this group of traitorous thugs right from the start.  It's hard to believe that the Republican Party has tossed away all of their credibility to protect this two-bit con man who sold out the United States, but that's where we're at today.

We'd say it's time for Republicans to finally show some backbone, but they've confirmed themselves to be a group of slugs.  November is now less than four months away.  Voting this year is more than a civic responsibility:  It's a moral mandate.  We need to take back this country.  In the meantime, we have to figure out how to minimize any further damage from Putin's lapdog.

Donald Trump Vladimir Putin July 16 2018This is what a puppet looks like.  (pic via



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