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July 2018

Hello, Doctor Who fans! After what seems like an eternity, the first official clip of the 13th Doctor is finally here! It was starting to feel like this day was never going to arrive. (Where's a TARDIS when you need one?) Let's not waste another minute. Check this out: Now that's a proper teaser! The whole thing looks gorgeous. Obviously we've got the introductions to the new companions, and a quick glimpse of #13, who seems to be ready for whatever the universe has in store for her. Now, a few quick questions: Are the various items shaking because the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on on, have a seat. How are you? It's a gloomy looking Sunday here at the moment, but I don't think it's supposed to rain until later today, so hopefully I can still sneak in a bike ride. On the other hand, the garden looks terrific, and a little more water always helps. BDH and Little Buddha just brought in the coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Clutter. Since the last time we all met, 12 Russian intelligence officers have been indicted for interfering on behalf of Donald... Read more →


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Croatia takes on France in the World Cup Final on Sunday, but the big news is that the BBC will be showing the first official preview of the 13th Doctor at some point during the match! You couldn't ask for better news on a Friday the 13th. No details have been given about the clip, but we're hoping it's a cleaned-up version of the scene that was leaked a few weeks ago. We loved the energy of Jodie Whittaker's performance as the Doctor continued to recover from her regeneration. It can only be better with proper audio and video! This... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in and have a seat. BDH and Little Buddha were just listening to all of the bird chatter this morning. They're pretty sure the birds are looking for four-leaf clovers because today is Friday the 13th. I said I didn't realize that birds were superstitious, and the guys just looked at me and replied, "Neither did we, but that's clearly what they're looking for!" You learn something new every day. The coffee is ready, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Friday (the 13th) Clutter. Now that he's... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? The guys have been watching the Clutter Tree and listening to this one bird squawk all morning. BDH thinks he's calling his friends to come join him in the tree. Little Buddha thinks he might be asking if he can have some coffee. That launched a conversation about how they would get him the coffee. It sounds like there's a conveyor belt involved. In any case the guys want you to know they made plenty of coffee for the rest of us, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We didn't get the rain that was in the forecast last night, so it's a good thing I already watered the garden. On the other hand, it's supposed to be a little cooler for the rest of the week, so we'll take that. BDH and Little Buddha camp out in front of the fans when it's hot out. It keeps them comfortable, but it means I have to yell for them to hear me, so maybe I'll get a chance to rest my voice for a bit. In the meantime, the guys made... Read more →


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There are millions across the country who long for a return to the days when Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in the White House. The bad news is that they won't be returning to fix our immigration policy. The good news is that the two men reunite in the new action-packed crime thriller/bromance parody, Hope Never Dies, by Andrew Shaffer. (release date: July 10) The book is set a few months after the 2016 election, and Joe Biden is still figuring out what to next with his life. His former best friend Barack Obama doesn't seem to be having... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? I gave the garden a good long watering yesterday, and it all looks terrific right now, which is always nice way to start the day. The birds are chirping a lot at the moment. I asked BDH and Little Buddha what they're talking about. BDH thinks they're making plans for the day, and Little Buddha thinks they're talking about whether or not it's going to rain at some point. Don't worry though, the guys still made coffee. There's a fresh pot on the counter, so help yourself... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? No complaints here. I had a dream last night that Robert Downey Jr. died. I saw the headline on my phone that he suffered a fatal heart attack, so what's the first thing I do when I wake up this morning? Check my phone, of course. I see that the actor is still with us, so the rest of the day should be smooth sailing from here. It's also supposed to warm up a bit again, but not as severely as last week, so we should be able to cross off most of... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How's your weekend going so far? Things got off to a rocky start on this end when I tweaked my elbow at the gym Saturday morning. All it took was one brief careless move with a barbell. I was a little tentative about moving my arm for the rest of the day, but it seems to have settled down now. Besides that, things are good. The flowers are starting to come out full force in the garden, and it's a great mix of colors in every direction. On top of... Read more →


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