Friday Clutter: Newspaper Shooting, Amazon, Facebook, Boston Red Sox, NFL Scandal, Marilyn Manson, and more
Vince McMahon is Going to Waste $500 Million on the XFL

The 13th Doctor Has a Major Comic Adventure in September!

We are starting to crawl up the walls in Clutter Headquarters at the moment, and it's not just because a heat wave started today.  It's now been more than six months since the 12th Doctor regenerated, and we're getting antsy waiting for #13 to start her adventures!

There's still some time to go before series 11 begins, but now there's exciting news that the 13th Doctor will meet all of her former selves in a new Titan Comics special edition that comes out in September!   (Click on the link to see some of the artwork.)  We just added, "making sure the local comic store has Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Vol. 0 – The Many Lives Of Doctor Who," to the to-do list! 

We're particularly interested in seeing her interact with Doctors #4-6 as well as the War Doctor through #12.  Oh forget it, we want to see all of them!  Which interactions are you most excited about?

September isn't that far away, so we'll try to stop obsessing about this for now and go back to trying to cool off.


13th Doctor Comics June 29 201813 will meet all of her former selves?  Brilliant!  (pic via


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