Friday Clutter: Trump, Koko the Gorilla, Boston Red Sox, The Conners, Johnny Depp, Summer Song, and more
Monday Clutter: Trump, Amazon, iPhone, Boston Red Sox, Adele, White Zombie, and more

Sunday Clutter: Trump, Walgreens, Delta Airlines, Dogs and Teens Being Awesome, Rock Lobster, and more

Hi everyone,

Welcome back!  Come on in, have a seat.  How are you?  I'm happy that the garden got a good soaking yesterday.  My guess is that we're about one more week (and one more watering) away from the flowers really being ready to pop.  That would be a nice way to start off July.  (Wait, how is it already almost July?)  The forecast called rain for most of the day today, but now it doesn't sound like it's supposed to start until mid-afternoon.  It will be nice if I can squeeze in a bike ride before that starts, but first, let's check out today's headlines.  BDH and Little Buddha say the coffee is ready, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Sunday Clutter.

Donald Trump once again used his favorite slur against Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) at a campaign event yesterday, so just add that to the long list of examples why you should never think for a second that this administration is "offended" by an attack from their opposition.  You can almost hear the Great Pumpkin giggling with glee at the opportunity to call female politicians names when you read the article in the link.

Trump claimed he'd be the greatest deal-maker to ever step foot in the White House, but lo and behold, he's failed miserably on that front as well. 

Shame on the Walgreens pharmacist who refused to sell the medical abortion pill to a customer because it went against his moral beliefs.  Misoprostol is legal in this country.  The woman had a valid prescription, and that's all the pharmacist needed to know.  If you can't do your job, get a new job.

Facebook is reportedly developing a new feature to help users track and manage the amount of time they spend on the site.  Is this something you think you'd find helpful?

Delta Airlines is banning "pit bull-type dogs" from their flights, so if you're someone who has one of these dogs (however the airline defines them) as a service animal, you're out of luck.  There's no point to this policy except to perpetuate stereotypes and inconvenience people who rely on their dogs for assistance.  It sounds like this ban may face a court challenge, and we hope the policy gets tossed.  We also won't be using Delta anytime soon.  BDH is clearly not a "pit bull-type" dog, and he doesn't even like to travel, but if you don't like dogs, we're not interested in giving you our money.

Smiling Pit Bull June 24 2018Don't feed into stereotypes.  (pic via

There's so much awful news in the world, so take a minute to enjoy this story about a teenager helping a deaf and blind man on a cross-country flight.  The story has a link to a Facebook post from a woman who witnessed the interaction, so don't forget to click on that as well.  Trust us, you'll be glad you did.

BDH and Little Buddha insist we also have to include this story about a dog being awesome, and the two of them run this show, so check it out.

Here's a story about a fascinating Twitter thread discussing the lives and eventual deaths of lobsters.  As a follow-up, you might be interested in this David Foster Wallace essay called, "Consider the Lobster."  By the time you're done reading both of them, you'll have all sorts of fascinating talking points to share with your family and friends.

The Boston Red Sox offense went on a tear on Friday night, and then it went right back to sleep on Saturday, as the Sox lost 7-2 to the Seattle Mariners.  Eduardo Rodriguez gave up 5 runs (4 earned) over just 4 innings, while the Sox got just 3 hits off of Seattle's Mike Leake, who went 8 innings.  Chris Sale takes the mound for Boston this afternoon as the Sox try to win this series.  The lefty has been great over his last few outings, but he's gotten almost nothing for run support.  Hopefully the bats will show up today.

Hey Kansas City Royals fans, your team is looking at signing a convicted child molester.  Contact the team and tell them no one needs pitching that badly.

Sorry to hear that Vinnie Paul died in his sleep on Friday night.  We once saw the former Pantera drummer playing cards at 2 a.m. in a Las Vegas casino.  After about five minutes of trying to figure out if there would be an opening to ask Paul for an autograph, or maybe a picture, we came to the conclusion that his entourage would probably "discourage" that attempt, so we moved on.  Our condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans.  Paul was 54 years old.

Okay kids, that's going to do it for now.  We've still got lobsters on the brain, so let's have the B-52's close things out with, you guessed it, "Rock Lobster," for today's, "Song of the Day."

Thanks for stopping by, everyone.  It was great to see you, as always.  Enjoy the rest of your day, be good, and we'll see you back here again for more fun soon.  Until next time, that's today's Clearing out the Clutter, and we are outta here.


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