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June 2018

Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? Happy first day of summer! BDH and Little Buddha were just telling me about their dreams last night. Apparently they were friends with our local birds who gave them the scoop about everything and everyone in the neighborhood. They also told them that the Clutter Tree was their most favorite tree in the area, and really, who could disagree with that? I don't remember my dreams, but I don't think they were as much fun. Anyway, the guys also made you some coffee, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? I learned something important yesterday: It's much easier to water your garden when you're not dodging falling tree limbs. Who knew? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the coffee is ready. Grab yourself a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Wednesday Clutter. The United States is leaving the UN Human Rights Council. The Trump administration says it has something to do with political corruption, and the body being "anti-Israel." It certainly can't be the fact that the U.S. is committing human rights... Read more →


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I realized after his recent death that I've never read any of Anthony Bourdain's books. The late chef/TV host was a captivating presence any time I'd seen him on television, but not being a "foodee" per se, I'd assumed these books would not be for me. However, it's always good to challenge assumptions, so I went to the local library and checked out Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook. Published in 2010, Medium Raw is the follow-up to Kitchen Confidential, the book which launched Bourdain into super-stardom. It's a collection of... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? We had an adventure while watering the garden last night. I knew thunderstorms were in the forecast, but the plants were very dry, and I couldn't take the chance that the rain wouldn't come. I got about halfway through, when it started getting dark quickly. "I'll just keep going until the rain actually starts," I thought. Next thing I know, the wind is howling, and small branches from nearby trees are littering the yard and driveway. I looked up and watched a huge limb come crashing off one of the trees, landing just... Read more →


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We need something to take our mind off all the awful news in the world for a few minutes. We also need something to distract us from the fact that it's a sauna in here at the moment. What we need is a clip of Guns N' Roses and Foo Fighters teaming up on the classic tune, "It's So Easy," at the 2018 Firenze Rocks festival in Milan, Italy. It's a perfect pairing, as Dave Grohl and company jam away with Slash and Duff McKagan, while Axl Rose is in peak sleazy/threatening form on the vocals. The result is 4:02... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? We were just looking outside and wondering if it's going to rain or just stay cloudy all day. The guys think the birds are chirping about it just being cloudy. Looks like I'll be watering the garden later. That is, after we make it through the heat. Highs in the 90's with humidity? Yikes. Oh well, we'll deal with that when it gets here. For now, let's see what's going on in the world. BDH and Little Buddha just brought in the coffee, so help yourself to... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? The birds are chirping up a storm. They've been at it since sometime around 4:30 this morning. I would have been annoyed, but BDH and Little Buddha think they're talking about the new flowers we have in the garden, so I guess I can't be too cranky about that. Before we go any further, we want to wish all of the dads out there (especially Dad Clutter) a very happy Father's Day! For those who find the day challenging for whatever reason, we're thinking of you, and we hope you do something good... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. BDH and Little Buddha were just looking around to see if there are any birds in the neighborhood this morning, but it's pretty quiet right now. Looks like we're going to get some rain soon, which would be good for the Clutter Tree. The coffee is ready, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Friday Clutter. The Department of Justice Inspector General's report about the Hillary Clinton email investigation was released yesterday. James Comey takes some hits for being way too overzealous about the... Read more →


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The last thing we want to do around here is rush summer in any way. The sun is shining, the plants are growing, and any day we can wear shorts is a good day. However, the most appealing aspect of the fall is the return of Doctor Who. It seems like it has been several lifetimes since Peter Capaldi said goodbye last Christmas. We've tried not to think about it, because the new season is still a few months away. However, now comes news that new star Jodie Whittaker and several of her co-stars, along with new showrunner Chris Chibnall,... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? I went to sleep too late last night and woke up too early this morning, so we're moving a little slowly around here at the moment. BDH and Little Buddha promised to make today's coffee extra strong, and if that doesn't work, they say we can schedule a nap time later this afternoon. Also, as you may have noticed, there's a period of about 10 minutes in the morning where the sun bounces off a window across the way and lights up this room, so that's adding... Read more →


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