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June 2018

We've been sitting here reading the reports that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon expects to spend $500 million of his own money in the first three years the XFL reboot, and a few thoughts come to mind: The immediate reaction is that the man is out of his mind. McMahon's non-wrestling ventures (from promoting Evel Knievel, to a bodybuilding league, to a movie studio, to say, the first XFL) have never done well, and there's no reason to think this will be any different. There are approximately 500 million better ways to spend the money. Giving us $1 million to buy... Read more →


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We are starting to crawl up the walls in Clutter Headquarters at the moment, and it's not just because a heat wave started today. It's now been more than six months since the 12th Doctor regenerated, and we're getting antsy waiting for #13 to start her adventures! There's still some time to go before series 11 begins, but now there's exciting news that the 13th Doctor will meet all of her former selves in a new Titan Comics special edition that comes out in September! (Click on the link to see some of the artwork.) We just added, "making sure... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. We got a solid rain for most of Thursday, and now the sun is shining, and the birds are chatting up a storm. BDH and Little Buddha say they're trying to remind me to put on enough sunscreen during the oncoming heatwave. Oh, and to also make sure to stay hydrated. The guys also want all of you to know that they made coffee. It's sitting on the table, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Clutter. It was awful to hear about... Read more →


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Thursday Clutter: Supreme Court, Boston Red Sox, Jared Leto, Sheryl Crow, and more

Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? It's looking pretty dark outside, and the forecast calls for rain for most of the day. That's okay, the Clutter Tree needs a good soaking. BDH and Little Buddha say the birds are chirping that they agree, so bring on the rain. The guys also told me that reading their new book to them, after I finish today's errands, might be a fun way for me to spend a rainy day. They're always thinking of others, you know. First things first, let's check out today's headlines. The coffee is sitting on the counter,... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? I have to admit that I woke up in a bit of a panic this morning, because I thought we might be out of coffee. The horror, right? However, BDH and Little Buddha just smiled at me and pointed at the second bag sitting on the shelf that's still about half-full. Phew! Stressful way to start a day, but now that we've resolved that crisis, it must be smooth sailing the rest of the way, right? Right. The guys say we're ready to go, so help yourself... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. BDH and Little Buddha were just bird-watching and talking about how important it is to enjoy the good weather before the heat wave arrives over the weekend. I'm going to have to set their fans up before Saturday. Other than that, it's a quiet morning around here at the moment. How about we check out some headlines? The coffee is ready, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Tuesday Clutter. Robert Mueller is now reportedly looking into Erik Prince as the Russia investigation continues... Read more →


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By now, everyone knows the story of Sarah Huckabee Sanders being asked to leave a Red Hen restaurant after several gay employees objected to her presence. I've got no problem with that decision, and it's a little dumbfounding to see how many people are wringing their hands that this action was too "uncivil." Let the shaming continue. (pic via Folks, this country is under attack. By all indications, the current occupant of the White House has either been bought and paid for, or he's being blackmailed, by Russia. Either way, it's reasonable believe he legitimately doesn't have our national... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? It looks like we got another round of rain last night which is good for the garden. I thought it was supposed to rain until this afternoon, but the sun's already out, which means BDH, Little Buddha, and I can get an earlier start on today's to-do list. The birds are chirping pretty loudly this morning. BDH says they're asking if we remembered to make the coffee. Have no fear, friends. There's a fresh pot sitting on the counter, so help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Monday... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! Come on in, have a seat. How are you? I'm happy that the garden got a good soaking yesterday. My guess is that we're about one more week (and one more watering) away from the flowers really being ready to pop. That would be a nice way to start off July. (Wait, how is it already almost July?) The forecast called rain for most of the day today, but now it doesn't sound like it's supposed to start until mid-afternoon. It will be nice if I can squeeze in a bike ride before that starts, but... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all! This week flew by in a hurry. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? BDH and Little Buddha picked up two new books and they're taking turns reading the first one, so I expect that to keep them busy for a while. The second one is a little longer, so I might need to help them with it. I see rain in the forecast over the next couple of days, so that might be our main activity while the Clutter Tree and garden hopefully get a good... Read more →


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