Tuesday Clutter
Hi everyone,
Welcome back. How are we doing? My biggest accomplishment yesterday was not being drenched in sweat all day, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I still don't see what would be wrong with me going to work in a Van Halen t-shirt and shorts, but apparently that wouldn't meet the dress code. Fine. We've got plenty to get through today, so help yourself to a nice medium iced DD, and let's clear out a little Tuesday Clutter.
President Obama honored former President George H.W. Bush during a ceremony celebrating volunteerism yesterday. I didn't like anything about Bush's policies when he was president, but boy does he look better when compared to the fanatics dominating the GOP today.
What does Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) talk about when he's not threatening for the 400th time to revise the filibuster? His openness to having the U.S. Senate vote on a 20-week abortion ban. For chrissakes, Senator Reid, it's bad enough women are under non-stop attack from Republicans. Couldn't you not join in?
This is a sweet story about a couple who got married at a hospital so the groom's dying grandfather could attend. Warning, it's about to get dusty wherever you are right now.
I gotta think that if your life is in such a state where you can get worked up about the fact that the new Twinkies are smaller than the old ones, you might want to just give up now.
You have to think that this Cleveland Indians fan went out and bought a lottery ticket after he caught four foul balls in one game, right?
Metta World Peace has come to the New York Knicks. Surely this means we're all doomed.
It's not that I want this year to fly by, but I am getting antsy for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special in November. Of course the problem is that there will only be the Christmas special after that, and then according to this interview with the show's head honcho Steven Moffat, the next season with the new Doctor probably won't start until late summer 2014 at the earliest. I might have to start catching up on all of the old episodes I've never seen. By the time I finish that, the new season should be starting soon. Hmm, that's a thought.
I can't even begin to imagine how much of a nutty I would pull if I was driving to a Van Halen concert and picked up Eddie Van Halen on the side of the road, but this Dave Matthews fan seemed to do a decent job of keeping it together when she gave him a ride to his own concert.
For those of you who don't know me, I want to reassure you that Clearing out the Clutter is not written by J.K. Rowling, just in case there was any confusion about that.
Sweet, Jenny McCarthy is joining The View, so now she'll have a platform from which she can spew her autism/anti-vaccination nonsense from five days a week. I liked it better when she was the bad-ass co-host of Singled Out with Chris Hardwick on MTV. Those were the days.
Here she comes. (pic via people.com)
Okay kids, that's going to do it for now. I think we'll let the hitchhiking Dave Matthews take us out with a performance of "Dreaming Tree" that was filmed in the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC). I saw a number of shows at SPAC when I was in college and had a great time at all of them. It's a gorgeous facility with tremendous acoustics and a great vibe, regardless of who you're there to see. So on that note, here's today's, "Song of the Day."
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. It was great to see you, as always. BDH and Little Buddha aren't totally sure what to do with themselves since the Red Sox aren't playing, but you're more than welcome to come back later and watch the All Star game with them if you like. This time it counts, you know. Until next time, that's today's Clutter, and we are outta here.
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