Buffer Zone Clutter
Wednesday Clutter

Tuesday Clutter

Hi everyone,

Welcome back.  How are you?  I won't lie, I'm slightly worried this could be our last time together.  I have to wear a suit for work, and the high in Boston today could be 97 degrees.  This is not a good combination.  However, I shouldn't think negatively like that.  I will find away to avoid heat stroke today.  I'm not entirely sure how that's going to work, but my guess is that it involves some iced coffee.  So how about you join me with a medium iced DD, and let's clear out some Tuesday Clutter.

Massachusetts Clutterheads, this is important:  Do not forget to vote for Ed Markey for U.S. Senate today!  In a day when the GOP has declared war on everyone who is not in the top 1%, we can not hand Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell another vote.  Ed Markey will work to continue protecting the environment, privacy, and access to health care.  It takes just a few minutes to show what Massachusetts stands for, so go take care of business (as soon as we're finished here.)

Whether it's today, tomorrow, or next week, the story of Nelson Mandela is likely drawing to a close, and all I can say right now is, what a life. 

Best of luck to now-former Boston Celtics head coach Doc Rivers, as he moves on to lead the L.A. Clippers.  Really, I can't find any reason to wish him ill.  My only question is this, I feel like I read 20 articles about how the NBA doesn't allow teams to trade coaches, but...isn't that exactly what happened here?  Is there some technical difference between trading a coach for a player and doing it for a draft pick, like the Celtics did here, or was everyone I read just making it up as they went along?  Someone help me here.

Bill Parcells claims that he "regrets" leaving the New England Patriots after the 1996 Super Bowl.  Listen, Pats fans owe Parcells and former quarterback Drew Bledsoe a huge debt of gratitude for turning what could have been described at the time as, "New England's weirdest team," into a legitimate crew, but I think things worked out okay in the end for us. 

Alex Rodriguez is on Twitter now, and one has to wonder, why on Earth would he bother signing up for the non-stop abuse that you know is coming his way?

RIP Gary Goldberg.  The creator of Family Ties and Spin City died on Saturday due to cancer.  He was 68 years old.  Just about any member of Generation X can complete the following sentence (which used to happen at the end of his shows), "Sit Ubu, sit..." 

We try to stay spoiler-free around here, so if you haven't seen the season finale of Mad Men, we'll just say that the show did a terrific job of teeing things up for their final year, and also, the scene where Don Draper explains what a Hershey's bar means to him is the best acting Jon Hamm's ever done on this show.

The stuff dreams are made of.  (pic via shinyshack.com)

Argh, Doctor Who is on hiatus, Mad Men is on hiatus, I don't have anything to watch besides the Red Sox right now.  Actually, I guess that's a good thing.

Okay kids, that's going to do it for now.  In honor of the memories and entertainment that Gary Goldberg provided for any child of the 80's, let's close things out with a clip from Family Ties for today's, "Clip of the Day."


Thanks for stopping by, everyone.  It was great to see you, as always.  Try to keep cool out there, and above all else, stay hydrated!  We want to see each and every one of you back here again for more fun soon.  Until next time, that's today's Clutter, and we are outta here.


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