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June 2013

Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all! Everyone still in one piece? It's been sort of a long week at Clutter Headquarters. You know we all love the Clutter Tree, and it looks gorgeous once again this year after getting some rain. The tree is by far one of the best parts of the home office, but the problem is that we're not the only ones who appreciate it. There seems to be a large group of birds who enjoy passing the hours in the tree's branches, and hey, we'd do the same thing if we... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Wednesday to you all. How's everything going? Doing pretty well on this end, particularly now that the heat has cooled off just a bit (for the time being, at least.) BDH and Little Buddha were having a hard time hearing the Red Sox games over the noise of the A/C, so it's nice we can hopefully watch a few more games in relative quiet. However, enough of that, it's time to get to work. Help yourself to a nice medium (dark roast?) iced DD, and let's clear out some Clutter. We're still feeling... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back! How are you? I missed you guys. Everyone here needed a little time to process the pending departure of Matt Smith from Doctor Who, so we had to take a brief break yesterday. As I explained to one friend, the departure of a Doctor shakes the foundation of Clutter. It's at the same level as the idea of David Ortiz leaving the Boston Red Sox, or Eddie Van Halen never playing music again. Our paradigm takes a hit, which takes some adjustment. However, the show must go on, the medium DD must be consumed, and the... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? I can't say this has been the most fun weekend ever, but at least the A/C works. We have big news to discuss, so let's get right to it. Help yourself to a nice medium, (or maybe large) iced DD, because it's time to clear out some Sunday Clutter. I knew this day was coming, and that it would arrive sooner than I wanted to admit, but it's finally here. Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who. He announced yesterday that he'll obviously participate in the 50th anniversary special in November, and then his... Read more →


If you enjoy Clearing out the Clutter, please consider a $5 monthly donation!  You can click here or on the "Donations" category on the right-hand side of the page.

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Hi everyone, Welcome back. Hot enough out there for you? BDH, Little Buddha and I are camped out in front of the newly-reinstalled A/C, and I don't see us moving from this spot any time soon. So, why don't you make yourself comfortable, help yourself to a nice medium iced DD, and let's clear out a little June 1st Clutter. I caught some of the Boston Strong concert online Thursday night, and it certainly seemed like a terrific show. I don't understand why the organizers didn't make it a pay-per-view event in order to raise more money for the Boston... Read more →


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