Monday Clutter
Wednesday Clutter

Tuesday Clutter

Hi everyone,

Welcome back, and a happy Tuesday to you all.  Did you have a nice long weekend?  Yesterday was just beautiful weather.  I generally think that four day weeks that start on Tuesday go by faster than those that end on Thursday.  We'll see if that's the case once again this week.   However, first things first.  Help yourself to a nice medium iced DD, and let's clear out some Clutter.

As we celebrated those in the military and remembered those who were killed in combat this weekend, a new report came out saying that children of soldiers may faced increased risks for mental health issues.  Given the strain that deployment puts on the family members, it's not surprising that children may struggle with coping.

This story of a woman who discovered her fallen boyfriend's WWII diary 70 years after the fact will make things dusty quickly when you read it.  Trust me on that one.

Two Democratic congressmen have a powerful response to the GOP's assault on voters:  Make voting a constitutionally-protected right.

Boston Mayor Tom Menino's health issues continue.  Clutter sends our best wishes for a speedy recover to hizzoner.

Here's an interesting way that you can help the poor and homeless in San Francisco:  Just bid on lunch with Warren Buffett.  I'll be happy to fill in for you if something comes up.

It was my understanding that the primary reason the New York Rangers went as far as they did in the playoffs was because of the great work of goalie Henrik Lundqvist, but it sounds like they may not have him for much longer.

Who woul you rather see play Hillary Rodham Clinton in a movie about her life:  Reese Witherspoon or Scarlett Johannsen?  That's a tough call.  My gut says Reese Witherspoon would do a better job with the role...but Scarlett Johanssen might be more entertaining.  What do you think, Clutterheads?

Scarlett Johansson (pic via

I once had a tattoo artist named "Red" give me a mini-lecture about "the duality of man."  I think Red would have enjoyed this week's episode of Mad Men.   It was a well-done exploration of both sides of many of the characters, it made January Jones more interesting than she's been in years, and it also provided what I thought was a rock-solid excuse for breaking up with a woman.  It was much more engrossing television than last week's drug-fueled trip. 

I keep reading all of these stories about troubled actress Amanda Bynes.  Part of me wants to comment on a few of them, but at the end of the day, I've already said everything I can about this.  I hope someone will eventually help the poor woman.

Sunday night's look back at the 5th Doctor with the story Earthshock was a fun trip back in time (pun absolutely intended.)  I was immediately 11 years old again as soon as Peter Davison's theme music  began.  The special effects would have made Atari proud back in 1982, and they were clearly funded by the lighting budget (the actors were almost impossible to see in several scenes), but somehow the suspense was still greater than many of the modern episodes.  Earthshock is known for featuring the deaths of one of The Doctor's most annoying companions ever, and said companion was even more irritating than I remembered 30 years later, but the death scene, and The Doctor's reaction to it, still packed a punch.  I don't know that much about the 6th and 7th Doctors, and I can't wait to see their specials in June and July.


What do you get when you have "a concert movie, meets The Wall, meets Metallica?"  Apparently it's, Metallica Through the Never, and it looks something like this:


Okay kids, that's going to do it for now.  I forgot to set the damn DVR for Jewel in the June Carter Cash TV movie, so how about if I make up for it instead by having her and Johnny Cash sing their version of a song by recent birthday boy Bobby Zimmerman?  Sound good?  here they are with today's, "Song of the Day."


Thanks for coming by, everyone.  It was great to see you, as always.  Enjoy the rest of your day, and come back later if you want to watch the Red Sox - Phillies game with us.  Otherwise, be good, and we'll see you again soon.  For now, that's today's Clutter, and we are outta here.


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