Wednesday Clutter
Friday Clutter

Thursday Clutter

Hi everyone,

Welcome back.  Happy Thursday to you all.  Everyone doing well?  Good, well make yourself comfortable, help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Clutter.  Sound like a plan?  Here we go...

Representative Michele Bachmann says she won't run for re-election in 2014.  Who will the tin-foil hat crowd support now? 

What are the chances of anyone in the GOP listening to this Republican lawmaker when he urges them to focus on access to contraception as a way to reduce the need for abortion?  Conversely, what are the chances that this guy gets kicked out of his party for daring to suggest such a radical notion?

Boston Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia seems to make at least one amazing play in the field every game, which is all the more impressive considering that he's playing with a torn ligament in his left thumb.   This makes me nervous, because it's hard to imagine how he's going to make it through an entire season without requiring surgery, but so far, so good?  By the way, it sounds like he suffered the injury as a result of a head-first slide into first base on Opening Day.  Once again, sliding into first may be the dumbest move in baseball.  The player doesn't get there any faster than they would by just running hard straight through the bag, and they leave themselves open to injuries.  In any case, here's hoping Pedey can continue to play at his usual high level for the rest of the season.

Who needs a healthy thumb?  (pic via

Okay, what's going on with Sox pitcher Clay Buchholz?

I don't claim to be able to explain how Nasdaq messed up the Facebook IPO, but is a $10 million fine enough of a punishment to have any impact going forward? 

Speaking of Facebook, they're now taking steps to remove pages that are hostile to women.  Clutter doesn't support any of this trash in the slightest, but is it the company's job to delete pages that people find offensive?  Now, the site has already put restrictions on content, so maybe this balances that? 

The recent campaign by women's groups was launched last Tuesday with an open letter to Facebook complaining about pages deemed offensive. The letter complained of a double standard toward imagery on the site in light of past controversies over Facebook removing more innocuous content, such as photos of women breastfeeding.

Again, not condoning the trash, but simply banning the pages from being posted doesn't really do anything to address the underlying problems.  What do you think?

Okay, I've read this story several times.  How does a man go through life with a pencil stuck in his head for 15 years and not know it?

New England Patriots linebacker Rob Gronkowski is going in for back surgery.  At what point are we supposed to start worrying about his ability to stay healthy?

The New York Rangers fired shady-looking coach John Tortorella yesterday.  Was it because the Boston Bruins bounced the Rangers out of the playoffs, or because the club understands that Tortorella looks like the kind of guy who has multiple bodies in his basement, and they don't want to be around for any liability issues?  You be the judge, Clutterheads.

Don't make me angry.  (pic via

Okay kids that's going to do it for now.  Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of Van Halen's legendary performance at the U.S. Music Festival, so let's have Eddie, Dave, Alex and Mike take us out with a clip from that show for today's, "Song of the Day."


Thanks for stopping by, everyone.  It was great to see you, as always.  Have a good rest of your day, try to stay cool, and make sure you come back again for more fun and coffee soon.  Until net time, that's today's Clutter, and we are outta here.


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