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May 2013

Hi everyone, Welcome back. How is everyone doing? Our heat wave has begun, though Clutter Headquarters is still pretty cool. I'll probably have to put the a/c unit in soon, though. I asked BDH and Little Buddha if they wanted to help me with that, but they just quietly backed away from me. That's fine, I'll take care of it myself. However, there's other business to deal with first. Help yourself to a nice medium iced DD, and let's wrap up the month of May by clearing out a little Friday Clutter. The father of the suspected friend of one... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. Happy Thursday to you all. Everyone doing well? Good, well make yourself comfortable, help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out some Clutter. Sound like a plan? Here we go... Representative Michele Bachmann says she won't run for re-election in 2014. Who will the tin-foil hat crowd support now? What are the chances of anyone in the GOP listening to this Republican lawmaker when he urges them to focus on access to contraception as a way to reduce the need for abortion? Conversely, what are the chances that this guy gets kicked out... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? I hope it wasn't too painful to go back to work yesterday. My discomfort came from having to go to the dentist. It actually wasn't that bad. A few things that I'll have to keep an eye on, and I'm sure will cost me some money down the road, but all in all it was okay, and I got to say hi to Mustard the office dog, who I want to steal every time I have an appointment. So that was yesterday, but now it's time to focus on today. Help yourself to... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Tuesday to you all. Did you have a nice long weekend? Yesterday was just beautiful weather. I generally think that four day weeks that start on Tuesday go by faster than those that end on Thursday. We'll see if that's the case once again this week. However, first things first. Help yourself to a nice medium iced DD, and let's clear out some Clutter. As we celebrated those in the military and remembered those who were killed in combat this weekend, a new report came out saying that children of soldiers may faced... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How's your weekend going? I had a chance to see my aunt and some of my cousins yesterday, which was a nice treat because we usually only see each other on Christmas. I ate my weight in cheeseburgers and hot dogs, so that's a little gross, but there were so many dogs to play with, I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating. BDH is still wondering why I didn't bring one of the pooches back to Clutter Headquarters. Maybe next time, my friend. For now, let's appreciate that the sun is out, help ourselves... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. Sorry it's so chilly in here. The calendar says "almost June," but the temperature inside Clutter Headquarters says, "early October." BDH and Little Buddha had to dig out their winter pajamas last night. This seems like a good time for some hot coffee. Help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out a little Sunday Clutter. Congratulations to the Boston Bruins for knocking the New York Rangers out of the playoffs with a 2-1 victory yesterday. Now they move on to face the Pittsburgh Penguins in the Eastern Conference final, where the winner gets... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? It's looking a little dark outside at the moment, but I manged to get to the gym and do a grocery shopping without getting soaked, so I'm feeling good about that. It sounds like the harder rain may be coming later this afternoon. Oh well, the Clutter Tree could always use more water, and so could the shrub in front of it. That poor shrub was half brown for the last few weeks, but there are new slashes of green coming through, thanks to this recent precipitation. In any case, it's time to... Read more →


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Friday Clutter

Hi everyone, How are you? Happy Friday! It is Friday, right? I feel like I've already reached my full potential for the week, but apparently we still have one more day to go. At least we have a long weekend coming up, right? Is it wrong if I say I've repeatedly forgotten this week that this was the case? Oy, I need a nap. Actually, what I really need is a nice medium iced DD, because it's time to clear out some Clutter. Congratulations to the Boy Scouts of America for changing their policy to now allow openly gay boys... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? BDH, Little Buddha and I are thrilled to see you. I mean, we're always happy to see you, but it didn't look like we were going to be able to hang out today. However, a window of opportunity opened, and there you are! This calls for coffee. Help yourself to a nice medium DD, and let's clear out a little Thursday Clutter. Former baseball slugger/steroid user/reality TV show star Jose Canseco has always been an easy target to make fun of. However, there's nothing funny about his Twitter harassment of a woman who may have... Read more →


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Hi everyone, In case I haven't made it clear, I love the Clutter Tree. I spent so much time watching it the rain last night, it was like I was spellbound. The tree was one of the main reasons I bought Clutter Headquarters all those years ago, and my fascination with it continues to grow with each pasisng day. It seemed like just a week ago that the leaves were struggling to come out, and now thanks to a few days and nights of solid rain, they're in full bloom. They're such a lush dark green, and they fill up... Read more →


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